Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm an out Atheist. So What Now?

There comes a time in a persons life, where their experiences allow them to take stock about what is really important to them, what is superficial fluff and a waste of time and money.

I have said before that I never cared about someones superstitious beliefs, and I certaintly never cared to talk about my agnosticism (and now firm atheism) about those beliefs. But the times have changed. The more I hear from the right-wing Christians and their feined persecution complex, their refusal to adapt to cultural modernity, their unabashed disdain for the teaching of critical thinking skills to children, their constant shrillness about end times, their gay-hating, their lack of concern for the environmental devastation, climate change, and some of the most vocal leaders' full support to laissez-faire capitalism. In essence their worshpping of money over morality (or in their case.....god). I will empathize with them that change is hard, but it is always worth challenging oneself and one's preconceptions.

I made my first film based on the Great Agnostic Robert G. Ingersoll's essay on secularism, and the importance of the Humanist perspective. I am now working on my next project, a music number and accompanying video "Atheists. Come Out!" I need a singer! I still feel a sense of awkardness about what I do in my atheist creative projects, because I am not a 'proselytiser' by nature so I tread warily. I still don't care about someone's belief in the gods, but if I don't show what I believe then how are they going to know that I as an atheist am a good, moral person. At the same time I want to be cheeky and fun in my creative outlet (although my fun side didn't really express itself completely in my first film, having stayed verbatim to Ingersoll's words).

Atheists all around the country and even the world are creating content online, blogging, testing the constitutionality of church state issues, along with mythbusting and the love of scientific discovery. The content is increasing and starting to compete and exceed those polished Christian films in both creativity and sophistication. I want to be part of that group so I will continue to work (albeit slowly) on my creativity, my volunteerism, my outreach to the non-believer community.

So what is superficial fluff, and a waste of time and money? For me, if I go back to my former ways of non-participation in the atheist/Humanist community, and not standing up for those things I do believe in, then my one life would have been a waste of time, money and completely skin deep.

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